Gateway Forge Program

young women sitting on a bed, holding hands in prayer and care

What is the Gateway Forge Program?

The word “forge” is a 13th century term that has its roots in the same Latin word that gives us “fabric”. The word “forge” implies the idea of making something with great effort – such as forging a sword. It also communicates the idea of a workshop where wrought iron is produced and made malleable. These images accurately communicate what our Forge program is. It takes great effort and work to create something new. We invite those to join us who want to put in the work to create a new life of freedom and independence.  

Forge is a 40-week residential program for men and women that is purposefully designed to be a path out of homelessness, resolving their invisible poverty and into freedom and independence.

The program is specifically for those who struggle with destructive life barriers such as drug and alcohol abuse, past criminal history, or continued occupational and housing barriers. Through a combination of classes with trauma informed and evidence-based curriculum, Biblical counseling, and real-life work training, certifications and experience, the Forge program provides the opportunity for men and women to proceed on a path to long lasting Christ-centered transformation.

Benefits of the Program:

  • Community: The Forge program offers a place for students to heal in the context of community. They learn that they are not alone in their journey. By building relationships with other students, mentors, counselors, and program staff, students come to value community.
  • Biblical Teaching and Counseling: Students will learn how to anchor their lives in Biblical truth, such as understanding that Christ's love overcomes their worst sin and offers true comfort in their past trauma.
  • Healthcare: Students will address their physical and emotional health challenges.
  • Life Skills: Students will be helped in both classes, small groups, and one on one counseling in areas of finance, conflict resolution, relationships and overcoming addictions.
  • Education: Students will have help assessing their education and create opportunities to pursue continued education such as GED and National Career Readiness Certificate. In addition, for those with some college education they can continue that education through a partnership with City Vision University.
  • Job Readiness: Students will build a vocational career path through our Gateway Enterprise Center.
  • Thrive Program: After completing the Forge program, students can apply to continue their journey of spiritual, relational, educational, and vocational development in a one-year paid internship at Gateway Mission.

Program Requirements:

    • A demonstrated desire to change and a willingness to apply effort and seek to resolve barriers to homelessness.
    • A commitment to sobriety.
    • Be mentally and physically able to participate in full-day classes and vocational training.
    • Willingness to participate in all regular program activites including Bible study and worship.
    • Demonstrate emotional stablity and cognitive ability to full participate in classes, community, and vocational training.
    • Ability and willingness to obtain full-time employment (or at least half-time employment if on disability) at the conclusion of the program.

    If you are interested in participating in the Forge program, please complete the online application to arrange an interview with the Forge staff. 

    Man with gray mustache smiling

    "The Gateway Program has helped me find out how to overcome my addictions and confront my past. It has also given me a chance to know who God is and what He can do for me in my life."

    Kenneth S. | Gateway Program Participant

    Young woman holding a sign that says, "Grace Wins"

    Additional Information

    • This program is unashamedly Christ-centered and faith driven.
    • Women with children are welcome to participate in the program.
    • Gateway Mission is not a medical detox facility. Applicants may be required to go to medical detox before entry.
    • This program is more than a substance-abuse program.
    • Following commencement, students will have the opportunity to advance to our Thrive Program for a year and gain employment, which offers up to one-year work experience at Gateway Mission.

    For More Information: 

    Female Applicants: | 616.928.3456
    Male Applicants: | 616.928.3402

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