Volunteer Highlight – A Restful Blessing

“One Volunteer saw the need to love people through the gift of a cozy place to rest.”
Volunteers serve the guests and staff at Gateway Mission in many capacities. One volunteer saw the need to love people through the gift of a cozy place to rest. And she has done just that.
Over the years, Mary and a sewing group called Sewing with a Purpose, have provided hundreds of pillows and pillowcases to the guests at the Women and Children’s Center. Mary and as many as eight other women get together each month to hand make each pillowcase with love and care. There isn’t a single pillowcase that is the same. Most guests do not come in with personal effects – especially not a pillow. Kids can choose a pillowcase with a character they love – some choose a firetruck, others, a colorful pattern, or cuddly kittens. The guests have the blessing of taking the pillow and pillowcase with them when they depart.
Mary is a dear supporter of Gateway Mission, and this is how she is able to serve. She saw the need and responded in a way that gives guests a feeling of comfort and “home.” Mary has given each guest a gift more meaningful than just a pillow. She has given them dignity, compassion, rest, comfort, and most of all – has shown the rest that we ultimately find in our Savior Jesus. Our true rest and comfort.
Genesis 28:11 “He came to a certain place and stayed the night there, because the sun had gone down. He took one of the stones there and put it under his head for a pillow.”