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Thank you for loving your neighbor, Justin, and giving him hope!

man wearing a beanie and tan jacket in a warehouse

“Addiction was my darkest secret… I needed to change.”

Justin grew up in a loving home, with caring parents. But as he grew older his insecurities got the better of him.

“I was always made fun of for being the smaller kid… I took it a lot harder than I should have. Then I started making excuses and looking for things to fill those voids.”

His breaking point came when a relationship ended, and he turned to drugs to numb the pain and heartache.

“When you’re in the midst of addiction, everything gradually falls apart. I was sleeping in the back of my car for four months, in the winter, and I didn’t want anyone to know.”

Thankfully, Justin’s family saw his struggle. “Having to look my family in the eye and hearing the word ‘addict’ used out loud… it was like my darkest secret. I knew right there I needed to change.”

That’s when Justin’s aunt told him about our Gateway Program, and he came here determined to get clean and rebuild his life.

“Before, I was on my own. Now I have God on my side – He brought me this far and I know He’ll take care of me!”

Justin was initially skeptical about the daily routine of life skills classes and Bible studies. But then God began to work in his heart, and he soon gave his life to Christ.

“When I first got here, I was kind of selfish and broken in the center. But now I’m around people who love me and are giving me tools I can put into my little toolbox for life.”

Today, Justin is grateful for the support he has found from his new church family, as well as his brothers and sisters at the Mission. He is training for his forklift operator’s license, and is excited to see what the future holds.

Justin is thankful for the way you have answered God’s calling to love your neighbor as yourself – and have helped him learn how to love himself. “They’ve given me a new outlook on how to handle the things I’ve literally struggled with my whole life. I can honestly say I look in the mirror now and like what I see.”

To read his story in the Summer 2023 issue of Changing Lives, click here.

Categories: Stories of Hope>