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Mollie’s life was forever changed by God’s love

…and the guidance of our Executive Director.

woman in a pink ball cap standing near a commercial kitchen

Mollie experienced childhood trauma at the hands of family members that left her fearful. Drugs and alcohol became a way to cope with her past. They helped numb the fear – until they created a new type of fear.

“Addiction began controlling me,” Mollie says. “I had no friends and nowhere to live. I was homeless.”

She came to the Mission searching for a way forward in life. At first she was unsure if we were the right fit for her – but those reservations melted away when she heard Darryl Bartlett share his testimony.

“He was preaching about struggles and temptations and turning your life over to God. What he said made me do a complete 180-degree turn and change my life. I decided I wanted to give my life to God and live by the Bible,” she says.

Now resolved to overcome her addiction, Mollie joined our recovery program. She worked in our thrift store and, after graduating the program, was hired in our kitchen.

Mollie thrived in the Mission’s loving and supportive environment, and she continued to be inspired by Darryl’s counsel and mentorship. Even after she left the Mission, Mollie and Darryl kept in touch

“When I was struggling, I would go to Mr. Bartlett. He would always have the right words.”

“I’m so grateful for his friendship and for the way he shows compassion and God’s love to everyone around him,” she adds.

“He helped me believe that with Christ, I can be a good person. I thank God for putting him in my path. I don’t know where I would be without him and the Mission.”

Your gifts and prayers over the years made it possible for Darryl to impact countless lives here at Gateway. Read more about Darryl’s legacy and gratitude on the enclosed insert. With his leadership and your support, you helped men and women like Mollie receive the guidance they needed to move forward into happy, productive lives.

“To Mr. Bartlett I say… Thank you for all the times you have been there for me. You have shown me grace and compassion. You have been beside me and encouraged me for all these years. You have been a big part of my life. You and Mrs. Bartlett changed my life completely, and I thank you both.

To read her story in the Easter 2023 issue of Changing Lives, click here.

Categories: Stories of Hope>