Meet Owen
Owen’s Heart Is Filled With Gratitude for YOU!

“The Mission was there for me when I hit rock bottom.”
Owen turned to online video games as a teen to escape from daily life. “I was struggling with loneliness. Students at school were harassing me and making me feel unworthy of love,” he says.
But what started as fun quickly spiraled into obsession. Owen also developed an addiction to pornography, and these issues led to trouble functioning as an adult.
“I hit some rough passages, lost my job and my life kind of spiraled downhill from there. I managed to spend all my money and became homeless for a few weeks.”
That’s when he heard about Holland Rescue Mission and decided he wanted a better life. The day he walked through our doors, everything changed for Owen.
“I was originally just going to the Mission to try to find a job and get back on my feet,” he says, smiling. “But then I decided to join the Gateway Program and see if I could find a new way of being an adult.”
Owen found healing and hope through daily classes and Bible study, and discovered a real, intimate relationship with Jesus.
“Coming into the program I was spiritually hungry… there had to be something better than the way I was living. After two weeks, I recommitted my life to Christ.”
Owen is grateful for the guidance he is getting to rebuild his life. He knows that the lessons he’s learned at the Mission will give him the skills and confidence to go back to college, study for the ministry and go wherever God leads him.
“I’m looking at the transitional development program to learn how to make money, to budget and do the things I didn’t know how to do.”
This Thanksgiving season – and all through the year – your kind generosity fills hearts with hope and gratitude… and transforms lives through God’s love!
“Now I’m thankful God created me this way. The qualities I have – like being empathetic and loving to listen – are beautiful and given by Him. I can use those gifts to help others and share the Gospel.”
To read his story in the Fall 2020 issue of Changing Lives, click here.