Meet Maria

Maria is so grateful, you have given her a chance at a whole new life.

Maria smiling and wearing a yellow sweatshirt

“I was in a dark place, and God brought me back to the light…”

As a child, Maria thought she had the perfect family. So she was shocked when her parents divorced when she was 15.

“My life went down from there… I just didn’t care anymore. I started drinking, using drugs and skipping school.”

For decades, Maria used drugs. First alone, and then she did drugs with her husband after they married. After 18 years together, they divorced – and Maria was devastated.

“I just felt like my life was over. To cover up my pain and hurt, I started every day by using drugs. It consumed my thoughts and my heart… took over my life.”

It got so bad that Maria was stealing from stores and even her own kids to get money to support her habit. When her kids said they didn’t want anything to do with her anymore, Maria finally decided to get help.

“My cousin called the Mission, and they had a room for me. It was just the biggest blessing.”

When Maria heard about our Gateway Addictions and Discipleship Program on her second day at the Mission, she knew this was where God wanted her to be. She signed up and immediately felt the Lord working in her heart as she rededicated her life to Him.

“God has shown me how to be patient… To be more open and communicate. The Bible classes help so much, and everybody here helps me through my problems.”

Today, Maria has a good relationship with her kids and grandkids, and they are proud of the changes they see in her. She’s close to completing her GED and looks forward to the day when she can find a job and permanent church family to serve the Lord wherever He calls her.

Maria is thankful for the kindness and compassion of loving neighbors like you – and how you have given her hope for the future. “God put peace and joy in my life again… Now He’s helping me be who I’m supposed to be. I’m just so happy!”

To read her story in the Summer 2022 issue of Changing Lives, click here.

Categories: Stories of Hope>