Meet Lisa
She can’t thank YOU enough!

“The Holy Spirit has been working in me and changing my heart.”
Lisa was hiding a dark secret – when she was young, her older brother had abused her. “There was a lot of anger there and I didn’t tell anybody.”
Unable to cope with the pain, Lisa let a boyfriend talk her into using drugs as a teen. “The first time I got high I thought, this is what I’ve been looking for,” she shares. “A way out… to escape.”
Lisa graduated high school, but was unable to keep a job for long. She looks back on that time in her life with regret, thinking about everything she lost to addiction. “I had all these big dreams and plans. I just threw them all out the window.”
The day she walked into Holland Rescue Mission, everything changed for Lisa.
“I knew that the women in the shelter really cared about me because they didn’t judge me,” she says, smiling. “They just responded with love.”
“I really wanted to have a relationship with Jesus, but I didn’t know how to give up my own will.”
Lisa dedicated her life to Christ, and experienced tremendous personal growth in our Gateway Center program. The best change she’s seen is discovering how to be still and listen when God speaks.
“The biggest thing I’ve been learning is to apply God’s Word to my life,” she says. “I fought that for so long. Now I’m working on obedience and God’s direction.”
She graduated from the program and has found a new peace and purpose in serving others. Today, Lisa serves on staff here at the Mission while she attends Moody Bible Institute online.
She’s so grateful for her time in our care, and she encourages anyone who needs it to get help. “You’re not in this by yourself… it’s like a little family here.”
You may never meet Lisa, but she’s eternally grateful to YOU for your support – today, her heart is filled with new hope for the future. “The Mission saved my life. Now there’s potential for me to do great things for God’s kingdom.”
To read her story in the Easter 2020 issue of Changing Lives, click here.