Author: Elizabeth Burgess

Meet Maria

Maria is so grateful, you have given her a chance at a whole new life. “I was in a dark place, and god brought me back to the light…” As a child, Maria thought she had the perfect family. So she was shocked when her parents divorced when she was

Meet Terry

Terry is celebrating new life this Easter! Thank you for touching his life with hope. “I was hopeless and had no place to go…” Terry still remembers the pain he felt when his parents divorced, and his beloved family members died a few years later. “I was a pretty angry

Impact Stories of HRM

Stories of life change surround the ministry of Holland Rescue Mission. For over 100 years, the ministry has impacted the lives of not only homeless residents, but staff members and volunteers. Hear their stories and celebrate the work.

Meet Carl

Thanks to you…Carl has been given a life-changing gift this Christmas. “The Mission gave me the first Bible I’ve ever had…” “The Lord showed me a different way to live.” Carl and his fiancée left Michigan and moved to Florida in search of a better, slower-paced life. Then the pandemic

Meet Barbara

Grateful through it all: Barbara is especially thankful for YOU! Your compassion & support change lives. “I’ve been blessed by so much love.” From all outward appearances, Barbara’s adoptive family seemed an ideal environment for a little girl. Yet unbeknown to those outside her home – and ignored by the

Meet Ken

Ken is celebrating hope! Your support brings hope to the hurting this Easter.
“Whatever doors God opens for me, I will go through them.”

Ken grew up with parents who were both alcoholics. But in trying to escape the chaos in his house, he started spending time with the wrong crowd.

Meet Silas

“Before I was broken, and now I am reborn.”
Silas had a difficult childhood. He suffered his father’s abuse before his dad was sent to prison. His mom cared more about her boyfriends than Silas… leaving him scared and alone, trying to care for himself.

Meet Scott

Thank you for bringing GREAT JOY to hurting people – Christ changed Scott’s life
Scott saw drugs destroying his life, but he didn’t know another way to deal with his grief and pain…

Scott didn’t know how to cope when he lost his mom, dad and brother in a period of about six years.